Sunday, April 29, 2012

Mother Lode Bridal Fair 2012 | Ironestone Vinyards

Gorgeous diamond rings, extravagant gowns, delicious treats, talented photographers and cinematographers, sweet beats coming from a few DJ’s, and a fashion show?! Yup! You guessed it!! BRIDAL FAIR!!!!!!!!!!!! A few weekends ago, I had the opportunity to showcase some of my style and work in a booth at the Mother Lode Bridal Fair held at the Ironstone Vineyards in Murphys, California. Vendors were showing off venues, treats, gowns, jewelry, and their specialty services. Raffles were being held left and right, cakes being tested, and gowns being drooled over. For as much planning as I had for this bridal fair, it didn’t turn out quite like I had envisioned it. As time was dwindling away, the more I wanted to do that I didn’t have time for. All in all, it was such a great experience; I met so many talented people and got to see a lot of neat stuff!! I want to give a HUGE thank you to Diane Gray, Norm & Robyn Phillips, and the fab Bronté Phillips. I couldn’t have done it without you guys!! :)

Brittany | Everyday

Happy, loud, fun, bubbly, sometimes obnoxious, but mostly in good fun. This describes my only sibling. She is eighteen months younger than me and we fight........ALL THE TIME. No matter where we are, who we are with, or the topic at hand, we are fighting.  But what a lot of people don't see is the time when we are nice to each other (which is rare, I might add). Ever since we were little we have heard stories of how one of us was mean to the other; once we were in our mom's friend Cari's car fastened into our car seats in the back. My mom and Cari were up front when they hear Brittany yelling "OWWWW! Sissy stop it!!!" over and over again. my mom continued to scold me to leave my sister alone. Then, Cari looked in the mirror and saw Brittany reach over and pinch my arm and yell "OWWWW! Sissy stop it!!!"........and it didn't stop there. Believe it or not, we do get along. Once I remember when we were staying up at our grandparents house over summer, we were outside riding quads and goofin' around. We were getting along GREAT! But when we realized we were getting along, we stopped. It's kind of a weird sisterly relationship, but bottom line is that she is my sister (the only one I'll ever have my whole ENTIRE life!) and I love her; even though we fight :) She had been bothering me about doing a shoot with her for MONTHS and I never really got around to now, here it is, for YOU SISTER SUE. Next time we will go to the railroad tracks like you wanna do :)


Ashley Budde | La Grange Rodeo Queen Contestant

Meet Miss Ashley Budde! One of this year’s 2012 Miss La Grange Rodeo Queen Contestant. I met Ashley in college through the Agriculture Department. Ashley has been around horses her whole life; riding, grooming, showing, and now running for Rodeo Queen!  Whenever you are around Ashley, you immediately feel the warmth from her smile and kindness in her heart. Bronté and I went out to a couple different places to do this session with Ashley, we started out at Alternative Genetics Farm, drove to CSU Stanislaus, and finished out at the Lazy S Ranch in Oakdale, Ca where Ashley boards her horse. This was mainly Bronté’s shoot; I was mostly there for technical, emotional, and design support lol.  After this session, Ashley and I sat down and designed a poster for her contest (which is featured at the bottom). Good Luck Ashley!!

My ABSOLUTE FAV!!! Look at that SMILE :D

Bronté & Lance | Everyday

I am so excited to share this session with you all!! Bronté Phillips has been a very close friend of mine since I started college. We had Ag Economics together at MJC and instantly became friends. We used to sit in class and laugh at this boy who sat in the front because we thought he was so awkward and quiet…seriously, he literally NEVER spoke!! As the next year went on, I got a call one day from Bronté who started to tell me that she and that weird boy from Ag Econ were going on a date!!! Now here they are, two years later (I can’t believe its already been that long!!) and so in love. So incredibly happy that these two people have found each other! I was bored one day at her house so I convinced them to let me shoot them!!! (With a camera of course!! :)  Enjoy!!

 I love how the leaves on the tree made a heart around them :)

 My fav!

And last but not least, I just HAD to throw this in with my assistant Mr. Roper :) (he loves his Auntie Bee!!)